Well-intended, but poorly designed technology is costing Angelenos years of time on the street, and for some, their lives. Here at Better Angels, we focus on building technology that changes the trajectory of this epidemic by giving people the information they need, when, and where they need it. Come help us evolve our platform to ensure well designed software and up-to-the-minute data is available to anyone trying to make a difference in Los Angeles County.
Working with dozens of homeless service providers and employing emergent technologies, the Better Angels team is laser-focused on building world-class tools that maximize reach, open collaboration, and real-time action.
By aggregating better quality data from across our outreach and shelter applications, our tech automates compliance reporting, tracks benchmark performance, and allows stakeholders to understand how well they are doing over time by region, representative, and program so everyone knows how they can best pitch in.
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With this app, I can see the future of our profession.